Get to Know Me Tag (Writer’s Edition)

Here are the rules of the tag:

Alright, now let’s get started with the tag!

Vital Stats and Appearance

Name (or Pen Name): Julia Witmer

Birthday: November of 2002 🙂

Hair color/length: Shoulder blade (ish) length, blonde hair

Eye color: Brown (with a little bit of green, every now and then)

Braces/Piercings/Tattoos: N/A.

Right or Left Handed: Right.


First novel written: I can’t remember which novel was the first novel I wrote. I do clearly remember writing a children’s book about a dog that had the habit of getting into too much trouble, which I titled “That Dog!” and wrote when I was some age under seven. However, I’ve been writing stories for as long as I can remember, so to place exactly which one was the first is…not an easy task.

First novel completed: When I was nine or ten, I sat down with my mother and wrote a book with her (which I can’t remember the name of for the life of me). It was a complete rip off of “The Secrets of Droon,” but it was what got me started on writing fantasy fiction and real, actual books. I can’t remember if I completed it with her or not (if not, then the first would have been “Latelyne” when I was eleven), but it was definitely the start to my serious writing journey.

First award for my writing: I have actually never won an award for my writing, that I can remember. I haven’t entered many contests since I was a kid, and I wasn’t exactly a child prodigy when it comes to the craft.

First publication: “A Wilted Willow: A Land Lost, But Not Forgotten” was the first story I published. I published it independently through Amazon when I was 16 years old, fulfilling a lifelong dream of mine to publish by the time I turned 16.

First writing conference: The first (and only) writing conference I attended was the One Year Adventure Novel writing conference when I was seventeen.

First query: I haven’t queried any of my work, and don’t currently intend to…but I’ll let you know if that changes!


Favorite genre: Fantasy, through and through. I love the variety you can find within the genre, and a lot of the fundamental elements of it.

Favorite author: Jill Williamson or C.S. Lewis!

Favorite writing music: Lately, I’ve been listening to the “Howl’s Moving Castle” theme song on repeat while I write…works wonders.

Favorite time to write: Anytime I actually feel like it, which has been rarer lately. Although I do find that I’m most productive in the mornings, nowadays!

Favorite writing drink/snack: Either tea or coffee – no preference either way.

Favorite movie: How am I supposed to narrow that down? I’ll just give you a list of the top ones, in no particular order:

  • Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse
  • Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
  • Peter Pan (2003)
  • Treasure Planet

Favorite writing memory: In 2021 I launched “A Wilted Willow: Revised & Updated Edition” and went live on Facebook with my mom to celebrate the launch. It was so much fun, and it’s a favorite memory of mine.

Favorite childhood book: “Gregor the Overlander” by Suzanne Collins.


Currently reading: Uh…I just got married and moved to another state, so…I haven’t really been reading anything. Sorry to disappoint!

Currently writing: I’m working on editing “Everending” still – and getting closer to finishing every day.

Currently listening to: “Annie’s Song” by John Denver. It was my husband’s and my first dance song, so it holds a special place in my heart. I’ve also been listening to “Gilded Lily” by Cults because it makes me think of one of my characters.

Currently watching: So many movies, not really any TV shows. It’s impossible to narrow it down, I think.

Currently learning: I’m on break from school, but I’m still taking in any new information on social media and marketing that I can because I thoroughly enjoy it!


Want to be published: Yes! I want to publish again by 2026.

Traditional or indie publishing: Indie! I hate the idea of a publisher taking my work and changing it however they want to, or giving it a bad cover, or…oh, the list could go on. There are SO many benefits to both traditional and Indie publishing, so I see nothing specifically against traditional publishing for some. But I really enjoy doing a lot of that kind of stuff myself (or hiring it out to a person of my choice) so I think Indie would fit best.

Wildest goal: I don’t feel like I have too many wild goals, but probably one of the wilder ones is that I want to try a Kickstarter launch at some point in my writing career…we’ll see if it happens!

Tag List

Anyone who wants to join in, please do!

Thanks so much for reading!

Published by Julia Witmer

Julia Witmer is a Christian fantasy writer and author of the clean young adult fantasy novel “A Wilted Willow.” Growing up overseas in Chiang Mai, Thailand, inspired her from a young age to write unusual stories about other worlds, cultures, and magical encounters, and has continued to influence the worlds she creates. Follow along on her writing journey to explore novels of hope-filled whimsy with a dash of darkness.

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